Hope started small.
No, smaller than small.
More like a morsel of wonder,
who quickly made me curious.
She taught me words like "maybe" and
So maybe, this meant I had a goal
And possibly, I'd make a plan
Because now, I was dreaming in the daytime.
Before I knew it, hope got bigger.
I asked her to settle down but she said
"trust me!"
Instead, I questioned everything.
But question wasn't so bad. Was it?
It was just part of the process. Right?
I then learned this was doubt.
Hope hated doubt.
I knew this to be true because
I didn't hear hope anymore.
But quietly, she still had faith.
She waited while I questioned and worried,
and when my fear finally faded,
Hope was there.
And now, I was no longer afraid to trust her and I did not doubt her.
Hope had been built.
I'll give her a home.